Indoor Solar Energy: powering Smart Devices & Wearables

Traditional batteries limit the lifespan and sustainability of smart sensors, wearables, and portable electronics. Discover how indoor amorphous silicon solar panels provide a reliable and eco-friendly power source by harvesting energy from artificial light, already in low-light conditions of 50Lux. In this session, we’ll explore real-world applications, performance benefits, and integration strategies to optimize your designs for energy efficiency and longevity. Join us to learn how indoor solar technology is reshaping the way we power low-energy electronics!

Lezing in het Engels
Gegeven door Robert Spiegler, product manager Panasonic Industry Europe
Namens Elincom Electronics 

Elincom Electronics B.V.
dinsdag 15 april 2025
10:00 - 10:25
Locatie naam
Congrescentrum 1931